This topic is concerned with numerical solution of the following interpolation problems:
Problem 1. Given points x1<x2<⋯<xn1 find a function f such that
f(xi)=ui,i=1,2,…,n1 ,
Problem 2. Given points x1<x2<⋯<xn1, s1<s2<⋯<sn2 find a function f such that
f(xi)=ui,i=1,2,…,n1 ,f′(sj)=vj,j=1,2,…,n2 ,n1≥0, n2≥0,
Problem 3. Given points x1<x2<⋯<xn1, s1<s2<⋯<sn2 and t1<t2<⋯<tn3 find a function f such that
f(xi)=ui,i=1,2,…,n1 ,f′(sj)=vj,j=1,2,…,n2 ,f″(tk)=wk,k=1,2,…,n3,n1≥0, n2≥0, n3≥0. Note that knots {xi}, {sj} and {tk} may coincide.
Assume that function f is an element of Hilbert space H=H(X) over a set X (here X is R or an interval from R) and Hilbert space is selected in a such way that it is continuously embedded in the space C2(X) of functions continuous with their second derivatives and therefore functionals Fi, F′j, and F″k
Fi(φ)=φ(xi), F′j(φ)=φ′(sj), F″k(φ)=φ″(tk),∀φ∈H,xi,sj,tk∈X, i=1,2,…,n1, j=1,2,…,n2, k=1,2,…,n3. are linear continuous functionals in H. It is obvious that all these functionals are linear independent. In accordance with Riesz representation theorem [1] these linear continuous functionals can be represented in the form of inner product of some elements hi,h′j,h″k∈H and φ∈H, for any φ∈H:
f(xi)=Fi(φ)=⟨hi,φ⟩H,F′j(φ)=⟨h′j,φ⟩H,F″k(φ)=⟨h″k,φ⟩H,∀φ∈H, i=1,2,…,n1, j=1,2,…,n2, k=1,2,…,n3. Elements hi,h′j and h″k are twice continuously differentiable functions.
Original constraint systems of Problems 1—3 can be written in form:
f(xi)=Fi(f)=⟨hi,f⟩H=ui,f∈H, i=1,2,…,n1,f(xi)=Fi(f)=⟨hi,f⟩H=ui,f′(sj)=F′j(f)=⟨h′j,f⟩H=vj,f∈H, i=1,2,…,n1, j=1,2,…,n2,f(xi)=Fi(f)=⟨hi,f⟩H=ui,f′(sj)=F′j(f)=⟨h′j,f⟩H=vj,f″(tk)=F″k(f)=⟨h″k,f⟩H=wk,f∈H, i=1,2,…,n1, j=1,2,…,n2,k=1,2,…,n3, here all functions hi,h′j,h″k∈H are linear independent and every system of constrains (4), (5), (6) defines a nonempty convex and closed set (as intersection of hyper-planes in the Hilbert space H).
In accordance with generalized Lagrange method ([4], [5]) solution of the problem (7) can be written as follows:
σ1=z+n1∑i=1μihi , where coefficients μi are defined by the system
Original constraint systems of Problems 1—3 can be written in form:
f(xi)=Fi(f)=⟨hi,f⟩H=ui,f∈H, i=1,2,…,n1,f(xi)=Fi(f)=⟨hi,f⟩H=ui,f′(sj)=F′j(f)=⟨h′j,f⟩H=vj,f∈H, i=1,2,…,n1, j=1,2,…,n2,f(xi)=Fi(f)=⟨hi,f⟩H=ui,f′(sj)=F′j(f)=⟨h′j,f⟩H=vj,f″(tk)=F″k(f)=⟨h″k,f⟩H=wk,f∈H, i=1,2,…,n1, j=1,2,…,n2,k=1,2,…,n3, here all functions hi,h′j,h″k∈H are linear independent and every system of constrains (4), (5), (6) defines a nonempty convex and closed set (as intersection of hyper-planes in the Hilbert space H).
Problem of reconstruction of function f satisfying system of constraints (4); (5) or (6) is undetermined. We reformulate it as the problem of finding solution of the corresponding system of constraints that has minimal norm:
σ1=argmin{‖f−z‖2H:(4),z∈H,∀f∈H},σ2=argmin{‖f−z‖2H:(5),z∈H,∀f∈H},σ3=argmin{‖f−z‖2H:(6),z∈H,∀f∈H}, where z,z∈H is a "prototype" function. Solution of every problem (7), (8) and (9) exists and it is unique [1, 5] as a projection of element z on the nonempty convex closed set in Hilbert space H. Elements σ1,σ2 and σ3 are interpolating normal splines.σ1=z+n1∑i=1μihi , where coefficients μi are defined by the system
n1∑l=1gilμl=ui−⟨hi,z⟩H,1≤i≤n1, solution of the problem (8) can be written as follows:
σ2=z+n1∑i=1μihi+n2∑j=1μ′jh′j , where coefficients μi and μ′j are defined by the system
σ2=z+n1∑i=1μihi+n2∑j=1μ′jh′j , where coefficients μi and μ′j are defined by the system
n1∑l=1gilμl+n2∑j=1g′ijμ′j=ui−⟨hi,z⟩H,1≤i≤n1,n1∑i=1g′ijμi+n2∑l=1g″jlμ′l=vj−⟨h′j,z⟩H,1≤j≤n2, and solution of the problem (9) can be presented as:
σ3=z+n1∑i=1μihi+n2∑j=1μ′jh′j+n3∑k=1μ″kh″k , where coefficients μi, μ′j and μ″k are defined by the system
n1∑l=1gilμl+n2∑j=1g′ijμ′j+n3∑k=1g″ikμ″k=ui−⟨hi,z⟩H,1≤i≤n1,n1∑i=1g′ijμi+n2∑l=1g″jlμ′l+n3∑k=1g‴jkμ″k=vj−⟨h′j,z⟩H,1≤j≤n2,n1∑i=1g″ikμi+n2∑j=1g‴jkμ′j+n3∑l=1givklμ″l=w−⟨h″k,z⟩H,1≤k≤n3, Matrix of every system (11), (13) and (15) is a positive definite symmetric Gram matrix of the corresponding set of linearly independent elements {hi}, {hi},{h′j} and {hi},{h′j}, {h″k} and coefficients gil,g′ij,g″ik,g″jl,g‴jk,givkl are defined as follows:
Let H=H(X) be a reproducing kernel Hilbert space with reproducing kernel V(η,ξ). Remind ([2], [3]) the definition of the reproducing kernel. The reproducing kernel is a such function V(η,ξ) that
gil=⟨hi,hl⟩H, g′ij=⟨hi,h′j⟩H, g″ik=⟨hi,h″k⟩Hg″jl=⟨h′j,h′l⟩H, g‴jk=⟨h′j,h″k⟩H, givkl=⟨h″k,h″l⟩H.
- for every ξ∈X, V(η,ξ) as function of η belongs to H
- for every ξ∈X and every function φ∈H
V(η,ξ)=V(ξ,η), also, in the considered here case it is twice continuously differentiable function by ξ and by η. Differentiating the identity (17) allows to get the identities for derivatives:
dφ(ξ)dξ=⟨∂V(⋅,ξ)∂ξ,φ⟩H, d2φ(ξ)dξ2=⟨∂2V(⋅,ξ)∂ξ2,φ⟩H. Now it is possible to express functions hi,h′j,h″k via the reproducing kernel V. Comparing (4), (5), (6) with (17) and (18) we receive:
hi(η)=V(η,xi),i=1,2,…,n1h′j(η)=∂V(η,sj)∂ξ,j=1,2,…,n2 ,h″k(η)=∂2V(η,tk)∂ξ2, k=1,2,…,n3 .
The coefficients (16) of the Gram matrices can be presented as ([3], [11], [12]):
gil=⟨hi,hl⟩H=⟨V(⋅,xi),V(⋅,xl)⟩H=V(xi,xl),g′ij=⟨hi,h′j⟩H=⟨V(⋅,xi),∂V(⋅,sj)∂ξ⟩H=∂V(xi,sj)∂ξ,g″ik=⟨hi,h″k⟩H=⟨V(⋅,xi),∂2V(⋅,tk)∂ξ2⟩H=∂2V(xi,tk)∂ξ2. With the help of (17) and (21), we can also calculate g″jl ([11], [12]):
g″jl=⟨h′j,h′l⟩H=⟨∂V(⋅,sj)∂ξ,∂V(⋅,sl)∂ξ⟩H=ddξ⟨V(⋅,ξ),∂V(⋅,sl)∂ξ⟩H|ξ=sj=ddξ(∂V(ξ,sl)∂ξ)|ξ=sj=∂2V(sj,sl)∂η∂ξ. Further
g‴jk=⟨h′j,h″k⟩H=∂3V(sj,tk)∂η∂ξ2,givkl=⟨h″k,h″l⟩H=∂4V(tk,tl)∂η2∂ξ2, and
Here normal splines will be constructed in Sobolev spaces W32[a,b], W32[a,∞) and in Bessel potential space H3ε(R) (See [6, 7, 8, 9] for details). Elements of these spaces can be treated as twice continuously differentiable functions.
Reproducing kernel for Sobolev spaces Wl2[0,1] (here l — any positive integer) was constructed in work [10]. Thus, reproducing kernel for Sobolev space W32[0,1] with norm
‖f‖=(2∑i=0(f(i)(0))2+∫10(f(3)(s))2ds)1/2, can be presented as
V(η,ξ)={1+ηξ+(η5−5η4ξ+10η3ξ2+30η2ξ2)120,0≤η≤ξ≤11+ηξ+(ξ5−5ξ4η+10ξ3η2+30ξ2η2)120,0≤ξ≤η≤1. Correspondingly
∂V(η,ξ)∂ξ=η(4ηξ(η+3)−η3)24+η,∂2V(η,ξ)∂η∂ξ=−η36+ηξ(η+2)2+1,∂2V(η,ξ)∂ξ2=η2(η+3)6,∂3V(η,ξ)∂η∂ξ2=η22+η,∂4V(η,ξ)∂η2∂ξ2=η+1,0≤η≤ξ≤1. In addition, the following formulae are required for computing the normal spline derivatives
V(η,ξ)={1+ηξ+(η5−5η4ξ+10η3ξ2+30η2ξ2)120,0≤η≤ξ≤11+ηξ+(ξ5−5ξ4η+10ξ3η2+30ξ2η2)120,0≤ξ≤η≤1. Correspondingly
∂V(η,ξ)∂ξ=η(4ηξ(η+3)−η3)24+η,∂2V(η,ξ)∂η∂ξ=−η36+ηξ(η+2)2+1,∂2V(η,ξ)∂ξ2=η2(η+3)6,∂3V(η,ξ)∂η∂ξ2=η22+η,∂4V(η,ξ)∂η2∂ξ2=η+1,0≤η≤ξ≤1. In addition, the following formulae are required for computing the normal spline derivatives
∂V(η,ξ)∂η=η4−4ξ(η3−6)+6ηξ2(η+2)24,∂2V(η,ξ)∂η2=η3−3η2ξ+3ξ2(η+1)6,∂3V(η,ξ)∂η2∂ξ=−η22+ηξ+ξ,0≤η≤ξ≤1. Thereby we can construct a normal interpolating spline in interval [0,1]. Solving the interpolating Problems 1 — 3 in an arbitrary interval can be done by mapping the latter to [0,1] through an affine change of variable. Let's do it for the Problem 3.
Define constants a and b as
a=min(x1,s1,t1),b=max(xn1,sn2,tn3), and introduce values ˉxi,ˉsj,ˉtk:
Define constants a and b as
a=min(x1,s1,t1),b=max(xn1,sn2,tn3), and introduce values ˉxi,ˉsj,ˉtk:
ˉxi=xi−ab−a,ˉsj=sj−ab−a,ˉtk=tk−ab−a,i=1,…,n1,j=1,…,n2,k=1,…,n3. Then original Problem 3 is transformed to
Problem ˉ3. Given points 0≤ˉx1<ˉx2<⋯<ˉxn1≤1, 0≤ˉs1<ˉs2<⋯<ˉsn2≤1 and 0≤ˉt1<ˉt2<⋯<ˉtn3≤1 find a smooth function ˉf such thatˉf(ˉxi)=ui, i=1,2,…,n1 ,ˉf′(ˉsj)=vj(b−a), j=1,2,…,n2 ,ˉf″(ˉtk)=wk(b−a)2,k=1,2,…,n3 . Assuming ˉσ3(ˉη) is a normal spline constructed for the Problem ˉ3, the normal spline σ3(η) can be received as
Reproducing kernel for Sobolev spaces W32[0,∞) with norm
‖f‖=(∫∞0[(f(s))2+(f(3)(s))2]ds)1/2, was received in [11]. It is the symmetric function
V(η,ξ)={∑6i=1yi(η)ci(ξ),0≤η≤ξ<∞,∑6i=1yi(ξ)ci(η),0≤ξ≤η<∞, where
y1(η)=exp(η),y2(η)=exp(−η),y3(η)=exp(−η/2)cos(√3η/2),y4(η)=exp(−η/2)sin(√3η/2),y5(η)=exp(η/2)cos(√3η/2),y6(η)=exp(η/2)sin(√3η/2),c1(ξ)=−exp(−ξ)/6,c2(ξ)=exp(−ξ/2)(√3sin(√3ξ/2)−cos(√3ξ/2))/3−exp(−ξ)/2,c3(ξ)=exp(−ξ/2)(sin(√3ξ/2)/√3−cos(√3ξ/2))/2−exp(−ξ)/3,c4(ξ)=exp(−ξ/2)(√3cos(√3ξ/2)−5sin(√3ξ/2))/6+exp(−ξ)/√3,c5(ξ)=−exp(−ξ/2)(cos(√3ξ/2)−√3sin(√3ξ/2))/6,c6(ξ)=−exp(−ξ/2)(sin(√3ξ/2)+√3cos(√3ξ/2))/6. Correspondingly
∂V(η,ξ)∂ξ=6∑i=1yi(η)c′i(ξ),∂2V(η,ξ)∂η∂ξ=6∑i=1y′i(η)c′i(ξ),∂2V(η,ξ)∂ξ2=6∑i=1yi(η)c″i(ξ),∂3V(η,ξ)∂η∂ξ2=6∑i=1y′i(η)c″i(ξ),∂4V(η,ξ)∂η2∂ξ2=6∑i=1y″i(η)c″i(ξ),∂V(η,ξ)∂η=6∑i=1y′i(η)ci(ξ),∂2V(η,ξ)∂η2=6∑i=1y″i(η)ci(ξ),∂3V(η,ξ)∂η2∂ξ=6∑i=1y″i(η)c′i(ξ),0≤η≤ξ≤1. Where
H3ε(R)={f|f∈S′,(ε2+|s|2)3/2F[f]∈L2(R)},ε>0, where S′(R) is space of L. Schwartz tempered distributions and F[f] is a Fourier transform of the f [8, 19, 20]. The parameter ε introduced here may be treated as a "scaling parameter". It allows to control approximation properties of the normal spline which usually are getting better with smaller values of ε, also it may be used to reduce the illconditioness of the related computational problem (in traditional theory ε=1) (see [15, 9]). This is a Hilbert space with norm
‖f‖H3ε=‖(ε2+|s|2)3/2F[φ]‖L2 . It is continuously embedded in the Hölder space C3b(R) that consists of all functions having bounded continuous derivatives up to order 2 ([19]). The reproducing kernel of this space is defined up to a constant as follows ([15, 9])
V(η,ξ,ε)=exp(−ε|ξ−η|)(3+3ε|ξ−η|+ε2|ξ−η|2). Correspondingly
The normal splines method for one-dimensional function interpolation and linear ordinary differential and integral equations was proposed in [13] and developed in [10, 11, 12]. General formula of reproducing kernel for Bessel potential spaces was published in [8] and its simplified version was given in works [15, 17, 18]. Multidimensional normal splines method was developed for two-dimensional problem of low-range computerized tomography in [16] and applied for solving a mathematical economics problem in [14]. Further results were reported on seminars and conferences.
Reproducing kernel for Bessel potential space was presented in [8] and its simplified variant in [16, 15, 17,18]. Normal splines will be constructed in Bessel potential space H3ε(R) defined asH3ε(R)={f|f∈S′,(ε2+|s|2)3/2F[f]∈L2(R)},ε>0, where S′(R) is space of L. Schwartz tempered distributions and F[f] is a Fourier transform of the f [8, 19, 20]. The parameter ε introduced here may be treated as a "scaling parameter". It allows to control approximation properties of the normal spline which usually are getting better with smaller values of ε, also it may be used to reduce the illconditioness of the related computational problem (in traditional theory ε=1) (see [15, 9]). This is a Hilbert space with norm
‖f‖H3ε=‖(ε2+|s|2)3/2F[φ]‖L2 . It is continuously embedded in the Hölder space C3b(R) that consists of all functions having bounded continuous derivatives up to order 2 ([19]). The reproducing kernel of this space is defined up to a constant as follows ([15, 9])
V(η,ξ,ε)=exp(−ε|ξ−η|)(3+3ε|ξ−η|+ε2|ξ−η|2). Correspondingly
∂V(η,ξ,ε)∂ξ=−ε2exp(−ε|ξ−η|)(ξ−η)(ε|ξ−η)+1|,∂2V(η,ξ,ε)∂η∂ξ=−ε2exp(−ε|ξ−η|)(ε|ξ−η|(ε|ξ−η|−1)−1),∂2V(η,ξ,ε)∂ξ2=ε2exp(−ε|ξ−η|)(ε|ξ−η|(ε|ξ−η|−1)−1),∂3V(η,ξ,ε)∂η∂ξ2=ε4exp(−ε|ξ−η|)(ξ−η)(ε|ξ−η|−3),∂4V(η,ξ,ε)∂η2∂ξ2=ε4exp(−ε|ξ−η|)(ε|ξ−η|(ε|ξ−η|−5)+3). In addition, the following formulae are required for computing the normal spline derivatives
The normal splines method for one-dimensional function interpolation and linear ordinary differential and integral equations was proposed in [13] and developed in [10, 11, 12]. General formula of reproducing kernel for Bessel potential spaces was published in [8] and its simplified version was given in works [15, 17, 18]. Multidimensional normal splines method was developed for two-dimensional problem of low-range computerized tomography in [16] and applied for solving a mathematical economics problem in [14]. Further results were reported on seminars and conferences.
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[15] I. Kohanovsky, Multidimensional Normal Splines and Problem of Physical Field Approximation, International Conference on Fourier Analysis and its Applications, Kuwait, 1998.
[16] I. Kohanovsky, Normal Splines in Computing Tomography, Avtometriya, 1995, N 2. (
[17] H. Wendland, Scattered Data Approximation. Cambridge University Press, 2005.
[18] R. Schaback, Kernel-based Meshless Methods, Lecture Notes, Goettingen, 2011.
[19] M.S. Agranovich, Sobolev Spaces, Their Generalizations and Elliptic Problems in Smooth and Lipschitz Domains, Springer, Switzerland, 2015.
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