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Thursday, October 24, 2019

Quadratic Programming in Hilbert space. Part III. General case.

The algorithm described in the previous post can be applied for solving a more general quadratic programming problem [1], [2].

Let H is a Hilbert space with inner product ,H and norm H and A is a linear positive-definite self-adjoint operator acting in H. Let linear manifold D=D(A), DH is the domain of definition of this operator and the element z belongs to D.

It is required to minimize functional J:
(J,φ)=Aφ,φH2z,φHmin , 
subject to constraints
hi,φH=ui,1iL ,hi+L,φHui+L,1iM,φD,DH.
The elements hiD,1iM+L are assumed to be linearly independent (thereby the system of constraints is compatible). 

Let HA be an energetic space generated by the operator A [2], [3]. This space is a completion of linear manifold D with a scalar product
[φ,ϑ]A=Aφ,ϑH ,φ,ϑHA,
and corresponding norm [φ,φ]A.
We introduce elements ˉz and ˉhi from HA as solutions of the following equations
Aˉz=z,ˉzHA,Aˉhi=hi,  ˉhiHA,1iM+L,
and quadratic functional
It is easy to see that
and constraints (2), (3) are transformed to
[ˉhi,φ]A=ui,1iL ,[ˉhi+L,φ]Aui+L, 1iM+L,φHA,ˉhiHA.
Thereby the problem of minimization of functional (1) on linear manihold D subject to constraints (2), (3) is equivalent to the problem of minimization of functional (4) in Hilbert space HA under constraints (5), (6). This later problem is a problem of finding a projection of element z onto a nonempty convex closed set defined by (5), (6) and it has an unique solution. The solution can be found by using algorithms described in the previous posts.


[1] V. Gorbunov, Extremum Problems of Measurements Data Processing, Ilim, 1990 (in Russian).
[2] V.Lebedev, An Introduction to Functional Analysis in Computational Mathematics, Birkhäuser, 1997
[3] V. Agoshkov, P. Dubovski, V. Shutyaev, Methods for Solving Mathematical Physics Problems. Cambridge International Science Publishing Ltd, 2006.

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